What Are Email Headers: What They Tell You

In digital communication, emails have become an indispensable tool for personal and professional interactions. While we often focus on the content of an email, there's a wealth of information hidden within the email header.

What are Email Headers?

An email header is a collection of technical information that accompanies an email message. It provides valuable insights into the journey an email takes from the sender to the recipient and offers clues about its authenticity, routing path, and potential security risks.

Anatomy of an Email Header

Email headers are composed of various fields, each serving a specific purpose. Let's dissect the key fields:

  • From: This field specifies the email address of the sender. It's not always reliable, as email spoofing can easily forge this field.

  • To: This field contains the email address(es) of the intended recipient(s).

  • Cc: This optional field includes the email addresses of individuals who should receive a copy of the email for their information.

  • Bcc: The Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) field allows you to send a copy of the email to additional recipients without revealing their email addresses to the other recipients.

  • Subject: This field provides a brief summary or title of the email's content.

  • Date: This field indicates the date and time when the email was sent.

  • Message-ID: This unique identifier helps track the email's journey through different mail servers.

  • Received: This field contains information about the route the email took from the sender to the recipient. It includes timestamps and the IP addresses of the mail servers involved.

  • Return-Path: This field specifies the email address to which bounce messages should be sent if the email is undeliverable.

Email Headers and Security

Email headers play a crucial role in email security. They can help identify phishing attempts, spoofed emails, and spam messages. Scrutinizing email headers can reveal inconsistencies or suspicious patterns that may indicate a malicious email.

For instance, if the From address doesn't match the sender's name or if the email contains multiple Received fields with different IP addresses, it's a red flag.

Analyzing Email Headers

Analyzing email headers requires some technical expertise. However, several online tools and services can help non-technical users extract valuable information from email headers.


Email headers are a treasure trove of information that can shed light on an email's authenticity, routing path, and security aspects. Understanding the anatomy of email headers empowers users to protect themselves from phishing attacks, spoofed emails, and spam. By scrutinizing email headers, you can make informed decisions about the legitimacy of emails and take appropriate actions to safeguard your privacy and security.

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