Introducing Addy AI Sidebar

Create Custom AI Assistants and Interact With Them on Any Webpage

Addy AI Sidebar Demo

Imagine having an assistant by your side, ready to support you as you go through your workday—not just on emails, but across every webpage you visit.

It’s not merely a tool, but a companion.

You can train it.

So it understands your line of business, your company, your vibe…it understands you!

This isn't a vision of the future; it's a reality we're bringing to your digital life today.

We call it…Sidebar

It’s private and secure

This feature is built on the foundation of ensuring that your conversations remain private, secure, and only accessible to you. We prioritize your peace of mind knowing that your interactions on Addy AI remain private and secure.

You can create and chat with custom assistants

Choose from a list of assistants or create a custom one. One that aligns perfectly with your queries and tasks. Each assistant can be trained with different datasets, offering tailored responses. This level of hyper-personalization sets a new standard for AI, and we’re excited to bring it to you.

You can train custom assistants

Training your AI assistants is as straightforward as it gets. The Addy AI dashboard is your central hub for training, accessible with just a click. Here, you can effortlessly create, train, and manage assistants that cater to your or your company’s specific requirements.

Your assistant can help you with tasks

You can highlight text on any page and receive instant, relevant insights. Whether you seek summaries, explanations, or answers, your AI assistant is ready to elevate your understanding of the content before you.

It can even craft email replies for you.

You’re in control

We understand the importance of control in your digital experience. You have the flexibility to disable the sidebar on any or all websites, with the option to re-enable it whenever you wish. This feature empowers you to tailor your online journey exactly how you see fit.

Let us know your thoughts

We’ve always listened to you and will continue to do so. The Addy AI Sidebar was built from feedback received by our current customers, and we’d like to keep it that way. Our goal is to build a platform that saves you hours per day. A platform that works for you, so you can regain your valuable time back.

If you have any ideas on how to make Addy AI better, please reach out. My email is [email protected].

We build for YOU,
Addy AI Team

If you’re looking to enhance your email productivity and spend less time on email, consider downloading Addy. Addy is the smartest email experience ever made designed to save you hours per day on email.